Wednesday, April 11, 2012

“The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.” - Maya Angelou

Thank you. You've given me something precious - an unexpected (though often sought) epiphany.

The source is from whence the truth came. Why did I expect to receive it from somewhere else?

It was heavy and full of that specially blended syrup that makes nonsense easier to swallow with minimum after taste.

I ate, no drank, no swam in it. Dived in day after day with a smile plastered across my face.

"Swim with me!", I cried.

Giddy, I called for others to share in what was to become my near drowning.

Most of them could not even swim...

I eventually came to despised the way your artificial honeyed words made me feel perpetually sticky.

Everything began to cling to me: your lack of joy, pessimism; your utter negativity.

I waded in, now I am sinking, drowning, forgetting I know how to swim -

how to regurgitate and separate your bile from mine-

give you back what I chose to take.

I raise my head and you place your fingers over my connections to life.

It is now clear that you never wanted me to live... without you.

I refuse to swim in the carefully seasoned molasses of your smugness until we both can no longer breathe.

You at last utter an unexpected (though often sought) epiphany.

I reach and grab for that which you could have never seen.. my life preserver - me.

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