Thursday, January 7, 2010

Crash Test Dummies

While drifting off to sleep last night, this quote came to mind: "You can learn a lot from a dummy." I was thinking about my ex-husband - not the 80's PSA commercial, but hey - a dummy is a dummy is a dummy. I'm not going to bash my ex on my blog, but I do think it's the best analogy EVER! Let me refresh your memory:


Now I can get all serious and explain how the commercial can be used as an analogy for marriage, friendship, or life in general - but this ain't that type of blog! What I really want to know is: Why were there never any obese crash test dummies? Even when the commercial featured a "family" of dummies ( I'm not going to expound on that one - it would be too much fun) all of the dummies were skinnier than the average human. Does that mean that obese people fare better in automobile accidents? Does the extra *ahem* cushion they have acquired provide adequate, substantial support against sudden and unplanned vehicular impact? Are they suggesting that obese people are NOT dummies too? Stop reading my random ramblings and get back to work!


West Indian Hell Raiser said...

I can't stop laughing...

Earth Mother Guidance said...

Sadly, I was really thinking about what you were saying. LOL I mean I was really considering it. Maybe I'm the dummy. LOL

Ninah said...

Ha ha ha! Stop thinking so much, JL!