Penny candy was the cheapest medicine you could buy. It was also the cheapest drug. Whenever we were happy - we ate candy. Whenever we were hungry - we ate candy.
If Momma wasn't home in time... If we forgot our key (because you can't be a latch-key kid without one)... we ate candy.
Lemon Heads
Chicko Sticks
Garbage Pail Kids
Pal and Big Blo bubble gum
Mike and and Jolly Joes
Hot Tamales
Wax Lips
Tootsie Rolls... WE ATE CANDY!
1cent, 2 cent, 5 cent, up up up the price went. And just like addicts, we complained, but we paid. Now we're 30 and most of us are in need of several root canals. I wonder how many of us still eat candy?
Wax lips, fireball gum, tootsie rolls and my personal favorite,red licorice!!!
I LOVED the wax lips!
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